
Greenwashing in Fashion: Never Get Fooled Again!

Stop falling into the traps of greenwashing! Discover in this post 10 greenwashing techniques in order to understand behind the scenes and take a critical look at communication in fashion.

Buying Ethical and Eco-responsible Clothing: How to Choose Well
It's difficult to navigate the more or less vague discourse of brands offering so-called ethical and eco-responsible clothing. Learn how to properly analyze product labels and business models!
Kundalini Yoga
Kundalini Yoga is a very complete type of yoga combining recitation of mantras, practice of breathing exercises, mudras and performance of asanas to awaken "kundalini", the primordial energy which circulates along the spine, from the sacrum to the top of the skull.
How to Practice Yoga when it's Hot?
Don't wait for temperatures to rise too high before adapting your yoga practice to the summer heat! Here are some thoughtful tips for enjoying the benefits of yoga during the warmer months!
Refreshing Ayurvedic Summer Routine

In summer, the pitta dosha is in excess. To counter it, “let’s balance the opposites”, a rule full of common sense specific to Ayurveda. Calm, rest, freshness will therefore be the watchwords for enjoying the summer while maintaining good energy!

Yoga Postures to Avoid During Pregnancy

No, being pregnant is not a contraindication to practicing yoga every day! If yoga is a fabulous relaxation tool for mothers-to-be, it is important to know which postures to avoid to avoid risks for mother and baby.

Dervish Yoga or Yoga of Samara
Dervish yoga or gestural euphony of Samadeva is the result of 25 years of exploration of Eastern and Western psycho-corporeal techniques inherited in part from the vanished civilization of Samara. It’s a deeply relaxing yoga!
What Sports to Practice in Addition to Yoga?

Yoga is magical but perhaps you also like to get lost in nature, move your hips to lively music, ride a bike or kick a ball? What does yoga bring to the practice of other sports?

Discovering Ashtanga Yoga: Between Rigor and Dynamism
Inspired by Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga yoga has the particularity of offering sequences of postures always performed in the same order called series. Discover this dynamic yoga with us without further delay!