
Complete Guide to a Revitalizing Homemade Facial

Taking care of your skin is a completely legitimate step to maintain a radiant complexion and a feeling of well-being. Know that it is never too late to take care of yourself, start today!

Ayurvedic Autumn Harmony: 20 Recipes to Nourish Body and Mind

According to Ayurveda, each season has an influence on the doshas, fundamental energies present in the body. Live in tune with the seasons by getting into autumn time with these 20 delicious recipes!

15 Refreshing Ayurvedic Recipes to Balance Your Energy This Summer

Summer, with its dynamic and hot energy, requires a suitable diet to maintain the balance of the doshas. Here are 15 delicious Ayurvedic recipes to energize your summer!

16 rituals to enjoy your evening routine
A lovely evening routine brings comfort. Make this precious evening slot a moment to reconnect with yourself and ensure alignment with your desires, your values. Draw inspiration from 16 evening rituals to create your custom routine!
Balance Your Energy with 24 Delicious Ayurvedic Recipes for Spring

Spring is the season of renewal. To align with the seasonal change, Ayurveda offers recipes that promote the balance of the doshas, the vital energy that governs our constitution.

Sleep-Enhancing Nutrition: A Guide to Anti-Insomnia Eating
A proper diet can play a crucial role in improving sleep quality. By favoring favorable food choices, you pave the way towards more restful nights.
Using CBD Oil Properly for More Peaceful Nights
Sleep disorders are a reality, impacting general well-being and health. Many people are turning to natural solutions, and CBD oil is emerging as a very promising option!
The 12 Pillars of Health
According to the WHO, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Discover the 12 pillars of health for a longer and more meaningful life!
7 Ayurvedic Spring Recipes
It's spring ! What joy :-) Season of rebirth par excellence, nature is preparing to burst with joy. All we have to do is imitate him! Discover in this post 7 delicious and healthy recipes to burst with health.
Our 4 Favorite Fitness Exercises to Add to Your Yoga Practice
Here are our 4 favorite fitness exercises to practice for a toned and sculpted body! Moving, sleeping and eating healthily: these are the 3 pillars of good health. Start by moving with us!
9 Ayurvedic Rituals to Radiate Health
What if you decided to radiate health and vitality? Without spending hours or spending a cent! Discover in this post 9 ancestral rituals from Ayurveda, to incorporate into your daily routine. All you have to do is dare to shine ;-)
Facial Yoga to Prevent the Signs of Aging
According to the beauty news, it's THE trend we're talking about the most lately. It only takes a few minutes a day to see a real difference. Learn the right anti-wrinkle actions now!
Refreshing Ayurvedic Summer Routine

In summer, the pitta dosha is in excess. To counter it, “let’s balance the opposites”, a rule full of common sense specific to Ayurveda. Calm, rest, freshness will therefore be the watchwords for enjoying the summer while maintaining good energy!

What Sports to Practice in Addition to Yoga?

Yoga is magical but perhaps you also like to get lost in nature, move your hips to lively music, ride a bike or kick a ball? What does yoga bring to the practice of other sports?

23 Detox Foods to Transition into Spring
After having accumulated toxins and waste throughout the winter with a diet that is sometimes a bit too fatty and sugary, it is time to cleanse the liver and kidneys!
Energizing Spring Ayurvedic Routine
Between flowering and mild temperatures, spring is the queen of seasons in Ayurveda. But the Kapha dosha which has accumulated throughout the winter dominates and agni is diminished. To transition, we will therefore look for warm, light, mobile and dry.
28 Tips for a Better and Sounder Sleep
This is a slightly more personal article than the others. I'm picking up my pen to talk to you about a subject that's not very funny and which hit me hard when I started to enter working life. I had...
Soft Winter Ayurvedic Routine
To slow down. This is what the winter season invites us to do, in every possible way. It becomes fundamental to return to the essentials to conserve your vital energy. Go into cocooning mode!
The Close and Surprising Links Between Ayurveda and Yoga

Yoga and Ayurveda are closely related. What is the connection between these two practices, both originating in ancient India, which aim for well-being?

What is Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest medical systems?

Beneath its dusty antiquity, Ayurveda is nonetheless strikingly relevant for us, women and men of the 21st century. (Re)-discover with us treasures to stay healthy!

Gentle Ayurvedic Autumn Routine
Transition smoothly into autumn with our little Ayurvedic guide. A clever mix of common sense and nuggets, drawn from traditional Indian medicine.