Ah, spring...
Magical, dynamic and romantic season, long awaited after the harsh winter months and which sometimes leaves itself desired for longer than necessary...
Between flowering and mild temperatures, spring is the queen of seasons in Ayurveda.
The pulse of nature beats a little stronger every day, cold, rainy and gloomy days disappear in favor of happier times.
And yet, the winter-spring transition is probably the most trying for our body and our mood, both heavy and grumpy.
Like badly groomed bears, who have no desire to come out of their hibernation.
With the arrival of spring, the heavy, cold, still and sticky Kapha (earth and water) dosha, which has built up throughout the winter, dominates and agni (fire) is diminished. Our digestion is affected as is our emotional balance.
A classic in Ayurveda: to counter the excesses of a dosha, you must apply the opposite qualities.
In this season of renewal, we will therefore look for warm, light, mobile and dry.
Just like nature renewing itself, the body needs to purify itself after long months of accumulating toxins. For a healthy spring, adopt a routine that gradually helps you lighten up mentally, physically and emotionally without disrupting the virtues of Kapha that make us feel strong and stable.
So, are you ready to be reborn again?

But first, is it really spring where you live?
Different latitudes, different climates!
Look out the window to make sure spring has arrived in your home before transitioning into this routine.
In Europe, the spring season coincides with this cool and humid weather which often lasts from March to early May.

Spring routine
Don't lose the good habits you established during the winter.
You can keep your winter Ayurvedic routine while gradually emerging from the immobility and heaviness of Kapha.
This involves going to bed and getting up early, eating at a set time for optimal digestion and including outdoor physical exercise for a little longer each day.
You can of course continue your morning routine with scraping your tongue on an empty stomach to eliminate toxins, cleaning your nose with salt water and drinking a glass of water that has been stored in a copper jug to flush it out. possess antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

A lighter diet
To feel as light as a butterfly, some adjustments to your eating habits are necessary during this transition period.
In Ayurveda, like attracts and creates imbalance when in excess.
The Kapha dosha dominates at this time of year, so we will avoid foods with similar properties, that is to say any heavy, cold, sweet or creamy food.
Generally speaking, it is recommended to reduce portions during meals without starving yourself. The rule of 3 proposed by Ayurveda is to eat 1/3 solid, 1/3 liquid and 1/3 empty to allow air to circulate and allow the stomach to digest easily.
Avoid snacking between meals. Eating when the previous meal has not yet been digested creates toxins in the body and deprives you of the feeling of hunger for the next meal.
In spring, avoid fatty, sugary, raw, cold, poorly digestible or too rich foods for the season.
Favor seasonal vegetables, hot and spicy dishes which stimulate the metabolism and therefore agni, the digestive fire. Pungent, bitter and astringent flavors detoxify, give them a place of honor!
Here are some vegetables to add to your shopping list:
Green leafy vegetables, cooked:
- leeks
- broccoli
- cauliflower
- asparagus
- spinach
- radish
- turnip
- cress
- endive
- nettles
- artichoke
- chard
- peas
- rhubarb
- barley
- millet
- buckwheat
- lentils
- sprouts (alfalfa)
- And some herbs and spices:
- pepper,
- ginger
- parsley
- fresh ginger
- cumin
- black pepper
- fennel
To start a little detox, here is a diuretic herbal tea recipe that will help you drain lymphatic congestion:
Boil 1 teaspoon of a mixture of cumin, coriander and fennel seeds in 1 liter of water over low heat for 10 minutes.
Generally speaking, ginger-based herbal teas are a delicious way to aid elimination while maintaining good hydration.

Get rid of dead skin and protect your ENT sphere
After long months of winter protecting ourselves from the cold, it's time to get a new look!
To get rid of dead cells and unclog pores, there's nothing like gentle dry body brushing or self-massage with an exfoliant.
No need to go shopping, all the ingredients for a homemade exfoliant are already in your kitchen.
Coarse salt scrub for the body
Mix 5 tablespoons of coarse salt with 4 tablespoons of a vegetable oil of your choice (olive, coconut, sunflower, sesame, etc.).
Apply to your body with a gentle, circular massage, focusing on rough parts of the body such as elbows, knees, heels.
If you have sensitive skin, prefer fine salt.
Kiwi enzymatic scrub for the face
Mash a ripe kiwi in a bowl to which you will add 2 tablespoons of honey and 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt. The acidity of the kiwi attacks excess sebum and dead skin. You will only have to leave this homemade mask on for around fifteen minutes.
You probably know dinacharya, the Ayurvedic routine for our daily hygiene. Head care such as cleaning your eyes (an eye bath with rose water, for example), your nose and your mouth.
Take particular care of your ENT area (nose, ears, throat) during this season because the accumulation of Kapha can cause illnesses such as hay fever, sinusitis or the flu.
Clean your nose religiously with salt water and your mouth by scraping your tongue in the morning on an empty stomach followed by gargling with lukewarm water. A natural way to get rid of mucus accumulated at night while lying down.

Outdoor sporting activities and a more dynamic yoga practice
Nature is celebrating in spring, enjoy the show by spending more time outside!
All outdoor activities are welcome: walking, hiking, gardening, and even relaxing in a deck chair in the sun!
To shake off the lethargy and heaviness of winter, try to sweat at least 20 minutes a day by opting for a slightly more vigorous, cardio exercise like running, cycling, climbing or swimming .
In yoga, it's time to energize your practice with sun salutations, warriors and chest opening poses, which celebrate the exuberance of the season while channeling our boundless energy.
Add backbends like cobra, bow, grasshopper and energizing breathing to your routine to get rid of possible stagnation in the chest.
If you've never tried it, now is the time to try vinyasa, ashtanga or bikram yoga – all three classified as dynamic yoga – to keep Kapha under control.
And remember: a little exercise every day is better than 2 hours once a week. During this season, your body needs regularity to shake off the fog of winter habits.

Make your projects a reality and sort them out
A period of rebirth par excellence, it is not for nothing that big cleaning is traditionally done in spring!
Take advantage of the change of season to pamper your home and take out of your cupboards all the accumulated things that are neither useful nor pleasant to look at.
Bring your home out of winter by opening the windows wide, dusting, bringing lightness and emptiness.
With the sunny days coming, relaunch all your projects put on hold during the winter and contact your friends again. The mood is for celebration, meetings, reunions!
And There you go ! I hope these ideas help you fine-tune your transition into spring. If you have just discovered Ayurveda, don't let yourself be overwhelmed by this influx of information.
Adopt one or two new habits this year, that will be more than enough. After all, the most important thing is to create enough space in your life to admire the most beautiful of seasons!
Discover our other Ayurvedic routines:
Discover here our eco-responsible yoga outfits made in France from recycled materials, perfectly suited to practicing all types of yoga!
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Photo credits :
- Alyssa Strohmann
- Jacalyn Beales
- Jan Sedivy
- Maddi Bazzocco
- Svitlana
- Toa Heftiba
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