🎁 Discover our loyalty & referral program to spoil you and your friends 🎁

How does it work?

Step #1
Create your client account on geopelie.com by clicking on the silhouette at the top right of the screen 👆

Step #2
Earn points by completing different actions, listed in the Loyalty tab > Earn points 💪

Step #3
Convert your points (20 points = €1 off) into discount vouchers 🐷💰
To join our loyalty program, simply create a client account on our store. Once your account is created, you will be able to start earning points bu completing different actions.
You can earn points by completing the actions listed in the "Earn Points" tab. You can earn points by referring a friend, leaving a review after an order, placing an order on our site, creating an account, subscribing to the newsletter and following us on Instagram.
It's very simple: in the main navigation menu, place your mouse on "Loyalty" and click on the "Earn points" tab in the drop-down list. Then click on the “Use your points” tab and then on the green “Use” button. Choose the number of points (in increments of 20) you want to use moving the slider. Then validate by pressing “Use” and “Confirm” . This will create a discount code for the chosen amount. To apply the discount code to your order, simply click "apply" and the deduction will be made automatically during checkout. Please note, once you have converted your points into a promo code, you cannot go back.
You can accumulate as many points as you want and convert them into a discount voucher whenever you want. There is no maximum limit and you can get free products by accumulating a lot of points.
You can refer family and friends who have never placed an order with Géopélie yet.
Just share your referral link with them. Your friends will then have to use this link to get 10€ off when ordering. To share the link, you can either copy paste the link from the loyalty pink box at the bottom right of the screen, send the link directly by email or share it on social networks.
Yes, as many as you want.
No, you can sponsor as many people as you want and thus contribute to making Géopélie shine! THANKS ;-)
Log into your account and go to the “Refer your friends” page. You will then see the list of people who created an account after receiving your link. As long as they have not placed an order, their status will be orange. As soon as your referrals place an order, their status changes to green and your loyalty account will be credited with 200 points (i.e. 10€ off).
The discount code can be used for any piece of clothing (excluding sales and gift card) presented on the site.
Yes, you can give your unique promotional code to a friend.
Unfortunately no, this is not possible.
Points expire after 2 years, or 730 days.
Create a client account on our website and we will credit your account with the number of points corresponding to your past purchases.
Sponsored: how to get your discount?
Click on the link received from your sponsor. In the box that appears at the bottom right of the geopelie.com website, enter your email address and click on “Send”. For this to work, you must not already have an account with Géopélie.
Go to your email inbox, you must have received a discount code. In the email, click on "I use my code".
Then create your client account on geopelie.com, your 10€ voucher will be automatically created in the Loyalty section > Earn points > Use your points. All you have to do is click on “Apply” and the reduction will be automatically deducted at checkout.

Sponsor: how to get your points?
As soon as your goddaughter has placed an order, you will receive a notification by email. Log in to your customer account, you will see that your loyalty account has been credited with 200 points (=10€ off) in the Loyalty > Earn points section. You are free to use them immediately and convert them into a discount voucher or wait until you have more points to place an order.