carte cadeau geopelie

Géopélie Gift Card Leisurewear

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Offer a gift full of positive vibes and respect for the planet to your loved ones 🎁 ✨
You want to gift elegant and super comfortable loungewear but you don't know which item to select? Our gift card is the perfect solution 👌 to make someone happy without making a mistake!

How to use it ?

  • You choose the amount of the gift card
  • You receive the card by email
  • You can then directly share it with the person to whom you are giving it.
  • The lucky one will then be able to order their leisurewear clothes directly from the entire Géopélie e-shop

To note :

  • Gift Cards are neither exchangeable nor refundable
  • Gift Cards are valid for 1 year


If you would like a custom amount for your gift card or if you have a question, do not hesitate to send us an email at and we will ba happy to create the perfect gift card for you.