posture de yoga budôkon

Yoga Budokon: When Martial Arts and Yoga Merge

An original and modern concept called “arts of mixed movements”, Yoga Budôkon offers a sequence of movements inspired by numerous disciplines such as Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, yoga, calisthenics (gymnastics and bodybuilding exercises), animal movement and Martial Arts.

The world of felines has greatly influenced the Budôkon system in which certain gestures unambiguously evoke a lion ready to pounce on its prey.

The ethymokogy of the word Budokon allows us to understand at a glance the components of this discipline.

“Bu” means “warrior”, “do” means “voice” and “kon” means “spirit”

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Progress of the session

A typical Budôkon Yoga session lasts approximately one hour and twenty minutes, divided into three parts: 40 minutes of sun salutations as a warm-up, 40 minutes of exercises from martial arts such as kung fu, karate and judo and finally a moment of calm and relaxation in Savasana.

Budokon Yoga is reminiscent of Ashtanga Yoga because it uses the same principle of series for the central part of the session.

The series are divided into 7 subsections and bring together slow and controlled movements, linked one after the other with fluidity, like during a Vinyasa Yoga session.

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Texts / reference person: It was the American Cameron Shayne who created Yoga Budôkon (registered trademark) at the end of the 1990s. Cameron began studying martial arts and Zen meditation at the age of 12 and postural yoga at 25. He obtained a black belt in Karate and Taekwondo, and a brown belt in Jiu-Jitsu. Cameron Shayne wanted to create a new system of yoga that allows practitioners to use all the strength they are capable of, unlike postural yoga whose initial goal was to help the body find the comfort needed in seated meditation. His idea is to merge the two disciplines that fascinate him: yoga and martial arts to become one, to go even further, to the limit of physical and mental capabilities. After teaching for many years in Japan, his students awarded him the honorary title of “Kancho” which literally means “the master of the dojo”. You will easily recognize Cameron Shayne by his imposing tattoo of a lion's head on his left shoulder.

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Particularity of Yoga Budôkon

A unique characteristic compared to all other types of yoga, it is possible to have a black belt in Budôkon.

For this, a long course is offered on several campuses in Miami or in Europe, which the most diligent and motivated can complete in around ten years.

For those who have not yet practiced yoga, Yoga Budôkon can be confusing and it is entirely possible that you will not like your first experience with this discipline.

However, keep in mind that it is Yoga Budôkon which would have helped Jennifer Aniston to have a toned body and to recover from her separation from Brad. To the wise...

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The benefits

Yoga Budôkon is a gold mine for improving your health and general fitness.

It allows in particular:

  • Improve your joint mobility
  • To develop your muscular strength
  • Increase your cardiovascular endurance
  • Begin self-transformation work on body and mind

Intensity: Along with Ashtanga Yoga and Power Yoga, Budôkon Yoga is one of the most physical there is, as evidenced by the impressive musculature and agility of its founder.

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In summary: savage, power, strength, mastery

Equipment: A sturdy mat, light clothing and a lot of willpower will be necessary to enjoy your Yoga Budôkon session.

For who ? : For all those looking for an intense physical activity and the highest level of mobility, almost athletic. For those who want to unleash the wild beast within them. Unlike other types of yoga, popular with 80% of participants, Yoga Budokon is very popular with men.

Video: Follow a discovery session of Yoga Budôkon by Budôkon University

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