jeune femme dans la posture de yoga du croissant de lune

Jivamukti Yoga

As much physical as spiritual, Jivamukti yoga is directly inspired by Ashtanga yoga.

A special place for understanding the founding texts of yoga is given at the start of each session, followed by chanting and mantra recitations.

young woman in warrior yoga pose I

In Sanskrit, “j iva” means soul and “mukti” means liberation, and it is precisely a deep feeling of peace and letting go that awaits the participant at the end of the session.

Texts / reference person: Jivamukti yoga was created in the early 1980s by a New York couple Sharon Gannon and David Life. A yoga center was created upon returning from their trip to India, during which they followed Sivananda yoga training. Gannon and Life are the authors of numerous works such as Jivamukti Yoga: Practices for Liberating Body and Soul or The Art of Yoga, unfortunately not translated into French.

young woman in crescent moon yoga posture

Intensity: similar to Ashtanga yoga

In summary: spirituality, relaxation, disconnection

Equipment: a mat and comfortable yoga outfit

For who ? : For all those looking for a complete approach to yoga, without having to compromise on the spiritual or physical approach. Jivamukti yoga is particularly conducive to learning meditation for which each end of the session is reserved.

young woman in crescent moon yoga posture

Video: Discover Jivamukti yoga with this session guided by founder David Life .

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