The sessions are a succession of asanas and breathing exercises which aim to awaken, experience and control the subtle energies of the body called prana and more particularly the energy of the chakras.
Two elements distinguish Ananda Yoga from Hatha Yoga.
The first is the use, during postures, of silent affirmations as a way to come even more into harmony with subtle energies.
The practice of Yoga Ananda is therefore an experience of interiorization rather than an athletic exercise, the aim of which is to prepare us for deep meditation.

The second element is a sequence of 39 “energizing” exercises practiced at the start of the session. By combining our will with our breath, we direct our energy flow to different locations in the body.
Texts / reference person: The Ananda Yoga method was created by Kriyananda, disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda. Born under the name James Donald Walters in 1926 in Romania to American parents, he ended his studies to devote himself to “the search for God”. He joined his spiritual master Yogananda in California with whom he spent 3 and a half years, and became a monk. After the master's death, he was officially ordained and took the monastic name Kriyananda. Kriyananda is the author of more than 150 books and 400 pieces of music, selling more than 3 million copies. In the late 1960s, he founded several retreat centers near Nevada City, California. Today, there are around 125 scattered across 19 different countries, all inspired in one way or another by Kriyananda. The end of his life was somewhat tumultuous. Accused of sexual abuse of young girls, he must pay a total of 1.6 million dollars in compensation. He renounced his vows, married twice and divorced. He eventually resumed his vows and founded several meditation centers in Italy and India. In 2009, 4 years before his death, he created a new order for spiritual masters called “Nayaswami”, allowing them, among other things, to choose between celibacy or life as a couple.

Intensity: Ananda Yoga is a gentle Yoga which aims to gradually bring the body to a meditative state.
In summary: energization, deep relaxation, meditation, positivity
Equipment: To practice Ananda Yoga, you will need a mat and comfortable clothing.
For who ? : For all those looking for a fair balance between physical exercises and spiritual development in their yogic practice.
Video: Discover Ananda Yoga with this complete 30-minute session.
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- Power Yoga
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