
What Sports to Practice in Addition to Yoga?

Yoga is magical but perhaps you also like to get lost in nature, move your hips to lively music, ride a bike or kick a ball? What does yoga bring to the practice of other sports?

23 Detox Foods to Transition into Spring
After having accumulated toxins and waste throughout the winter with a diet that is sometimes a bit too fatty and sugary, it is time to cleanse the liver and kidneys!
Energizing Spring Ayurvedic Routine
Between flowering and mild temperatures, spring is the queen of seasons in Ayurveda. But the Kapha dosha which has accumulated throughout the winter dominates and agni is diminished. To transition, we will therefore look for warm, light, mobile and dry.
28 Tips for a Better and Sounder Sleep
This is a slightly more personal article than the others. I'm picking up my pen to talk to you about a subject that's not very funny and which hit me hard when I started to enter working life. I had...
Soft Winter Ayurvedic Routine
To slow down. This is what the winter season invites us to do, in every possible way. It becomes fundamental to return to the essentials to conserve your vital energy. Go into cocooning mode!
The Close and Surprising Links Between Ayurveda and Yoga

Yoga and Ayurveda are closely related. What is the connection between these two practices, both originating in ancient India, which aim for well-being?

What is Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest medical systems?

Beneath its dusty antiquity, Ayurveda is nonetheless strikingly relevant for us, women and men of the 21st century. (Re)-discover with us treasures to stay healthy!

Gentle Ayurvedic Autumn Routine
Transition smoothly into autumn with our little Ayurvedic guide. A clever mix of common sense and nuggets, drawn from traditional Indian medicine.
8 Yoga Postures to Take with You to the Office
Sitting at your desk for hours...a grim prospect, yet very real for many of us. Here are some yoga postures to do secretly at work!