
Yoga Postures That Open the Heart

The postures of opening the heart stretch our rib cages, thus exposing our vital organ. But much more than a simple stretching, it is towards the exercise of introspection that they seem to guide us.

The Beautiful Story of the Sun Salutation
As the spring equinox approaches, some yogis prepare to celebrate the change of season with a series of 108 sun salutations. Are you ready to do the asana for them?
Tree pose: Mythology and Benefits

What mysterious story lies behind this posture which reproduces the graceful and stable appearance of a tree? Discover the mythology of the tree posture and its beautiful symbolism.

How to Practice Yoga Everyday?

What if you decided to make yoga a daily practice? A bit like brushing your teeth, but much more relaxing. Follow our guide to create your yoga ritual that will transform you from head to toe.

The 5 different categories of yoga postures

There are 5 families of yoga postures: forward and backward stretches, twists, inversions and balances. (Re)discover what their benefits are and the ideal time to practice them.

28 good reasons to practice yoga
There are a thousand and one good reasons to practice yoga, the most convincing for you will be the one that best meets your needs. Here are 28 of them and we hope that at least one of them will convert you!