main tenant des cristaux

The Alchemy of Yoga and Crystals: An Energetic Fusion for Inner Harmony

Do you find the association of yoga with crystals crazy?

Think again!

Yoga, this ancient discipline that harmonizes body, mind and soul, often meets other holistic disciplines to create a unique synergy.

The combination of several different practices makes for an extremely powerful, transformative and healing experience.

One such energetic partner is the use of crystals.

And yes, they allow you to increase tenfold the power of the intention chosen for your yoga session.

In this article, we'll dive into the alchemy of yoga and crystals, exploring how this fusion can enrich and amplify the yogic experience for deep inner harmony.

young woman praying hand behind back yoga

1. Yoga as a Conduit of Energy

Yoga, which comes from ancient traditions, is much more than a series of physical postures. It is a journey into consciousness, where breathing, meditation and postures combine to create an energetic flow through the body. Yoga seeks to balance and align the chakras, energy centers, to promote physical and emotional health.

assortment of multi-colored crystals on a desk

2. The Role of Crystals in Energy

Crystals, with their unique molecular structure, are known to emit energetic vibrations. Each crystal has its own specific properties, acting as a catalyst to positively influence the surrounding energy. Crystals are often used for chakra balancing, meditation, and energy healing.

Taking a crystal in your hand, placing one or more on your body, on your yoga mat while breathing deeply for a few minutes has an effect similar to performing an asana.

Crystals can help you regain balance, live better in the present moment and refocus.

If you practice yoga to reduce stress and anxiety, the calming vibration of crystals can enhance the experience.

If, on the contrary, you are looking for flexibility and physical strength in the practice of yoga, crystals can help you keep your promise of seeking well-being for yourself while remaining dedicated and motivated to your yoga practice.

woman's hand holding a yellow crystal

3. Align Chakras with Crystals

It can be difficult at first to choose the right crystals from the multitude available.

Here is a selection of stones related to each of the 7 chakras, to activate by placing the crystal on top of your mat, holding it in your hand in the final posture of Shavasana or carrying it with you in your pocket throughout the wide world.

  1. Root Chakra (Muladhara): Use Black Obsidian to strengthen connection to the Earth and calm fears.
  2. Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana): Orange agate stimulates creativity and balances the emotions linked to this chakra.
  3. Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura): Use citrine to build self-confidence and energize this energy center.
  4. Heart Chakra (Anahata): Rose Quartz promotes unconditional love and harmony in this chakra.
  5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha): Use Sodalite to encourage authentic and clear communication.
  6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna): Amethyst promotes intuition and mental clarity in this energy center.
  7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara): Use rock crystal to promote spirituality and connection with the divine.
group of women practicing yoga on a beach

4. Yoga Sessions with Crystals

You can incorporate crystals into your yoga session for a transformative experience.

Here are several ways to integrate them:

  • Place an appropriate crystal on one or more chakras during meditation or relaxation in savasana.
  • Throughout the session, place a stone at the top of your mat or in the pocket of your sarouel.
  • Place a rock crystal or amethyst on the third eye during Shavasana and the final relaxation of the yoga session
  • To strengthen your grounding and root chakra, place a dark stone between your ankles during Shavasana

Feel the subtle energy of the crystals amplifying the benefits of yoga, feel the chakras aligning, balancing and cleansing!

brown crystals on a wooden disc

5. Crystals in Postures

It is possible to strengthen a yoga posture by judiciously placing crystals.

  • Tree Pose (Vrksasana): Hold a crystal in your hands to promote balance and stability.
  • Warrior Pose (Virabhadrasana): Place a crystal on the solar plexus chakra to boost confidence.
  • Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): Use a crystal on the heart chakra to open the energetic heart.
  • Candlestick Pose (Sarvangasana): Place crystals around your mat to amplify the energies during this inversion.


    woman holding crystals in her hands

    6. Meditate with crystals

    It is also possible to integrate crystals into your meditation session.

    Sit on your zafu or cross-legged in a peaceful place and take your stone in your hand: it is simply placed in the hollow of your palm.

    Take a moment to observe it, look at its shape, its color, its shine.

    Closing your eyes, then close your hand and feel the energy of your crystal.

    If necessary, ask a question, which will of course remain unanswered, or an intention.

    To close the meditation, take a moment to express your gratitude and thank yourself for taking the time to do this exercise.

    transparent crystals on a table

    7. Create an Energy Space

    Dedicate a specific space in your practice space for crystals. A yoga altar with carefully arranged crystals can become a sacred place to strengthen your intentions during practice.

    woman's hand holding a green crystal

    8. Cleaning, Purification and Programming of Crystals

    Crystals absorb energy, so it is important to cleanse them regularly.

    There are many methods of purification and recharging: incense, sound, sun, moon, salt water, earth, fumigation...

    Whichever method you select, contact your crystal and mentally visualize your intentions.

    8.1 Cleaning

    Crystals are charged with energies, positive or negative.

    When you buy a stone, you do not know its history, hence the importance of an initial purifying cleaning before using it.

    Likewise on a daily basis, routine cleaning is necessary to avoid the accumulation of unwanted energies.

    To clean your crystals regularly or before first use, immerse them in water for a few hours, then dry them gently with a cloth.

    Be careful with salt and salt water which can damage the crystals.

    8.2 Purification

    Here too, there are several methods.

    For example, while walking, you can place your crystals in spring water for a few minutes.

    Purification can also be carried out by smoking, by passing the crystals through the smoke plumes.

    You can also bury your crystals in the ground in a clean and healthy place. By returning for a moment to their original space, the crystals will slowly be flooded with the magnetism of the Earth. You can leave your stone for 1 to 3 days and then gently clean it with cold water.

    8.3 Recharging and programming

    When they have worked well, it is time to recharge the stones.

    Several methods exist:

    In a mother-of-pearl shell, pour small granules of rock crystal and place your crystals on top, without them touching.

    Expose your stones to the rays of the Sun and Moon for a day or night while connecting with your yogic or life goals.

    assortment of white and purple crystals

    9. Listen to your Intuition

    When working with crystals during yoga, listen to your intuition. Choose the crystals that resonate best with you at any given moment, and be open to the subtle energy they bring.

    Conclusion :

    In the practice of yoga there is a form of liberation, transformation and even expansion of your being when your mind and body connect through movement and breathing.

    Lithotherapy works in a similar way: the body and mind are unified through energetic vibrations.

    This is why the union of yoga and crystals creates a rich holistic experience, inviting you to explore the energetic dimensions of the body and mind.

    Whether you are an experienced yogi or a novice, integrating crystals can amplify your practice, offering a path to inner harmony and deep connection with universal energy.

    So, dive into this energetic alchemy, discover the magic of crystals, and let yoga become a captivating dance between the physical and the spiritual.

    NB: Crystals are in no way a substitute for medical treatment and monitoring. They are a secondary aid that can be comforting but cannot claim to cure diseases. If in doubt, always remember to ask your doctor for advice.

    To go further in your yoga practice and its influence in your personal life, our article on yoga and sexual fulfillment might interest you.

    Also take care of your femininity by associating sacred feminine rituals in your practice.

    Adapt your yogic practice to the lunar cycle to feel more aligned.

    And try facial yoga to protect your skin from the signs of aging.


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